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(David E. Kaplan, Alec Dubro)

Japanese Mafia, World of violence, crime, espionage to be able politician and intrigue the International. YAKUZA is the first book to study in depth the past, the power and the potential of the lendário submundo of Cosa Japanese Nostra, the greater and more extensive organization of the crime in the whole world, today deriving of small bandos of ambulant joagadores of century XVIII, the Japanese Mafia was changedded into a criminal empire of many billions of dõlares of income, whose influence today is felt of Cingapura, passing for San Francisco and Chegando at Brazil more recently. As its American similar, the YAKUZA controls the game, the protituiçãothe narcotrafico, the speculation, the contraband of diverse products and weapons, unions, purchase and venda of great companies and property of high standard, using itself of the extortion as persuation argument. She is almost always very violent and infunde terror in its commercial partners. The Japanese groups to put, are aceigtas for the people in a degree of cedrta chocking form, and keep one trágua cordial with the policy of the Japan, that, in some areas, chjegam superarf in number. They are fed, still, for an ideology, that evolved of the
codes of honor of the samuraicode that if fulfills and if washes with blood, through the most perfect obedience. Modern Japan, to put, this cõdigo if translated a powerful type of radical and militant nationalism. YAKUZA counts for the first time, as the officers of the forces of American occupation in Japan had contracted many of these outlaws rightists in its effort to jam the left then and working omovimento increasing. Since ai, the groups if transform into one of the important smais centers of being able of the country, influencing the economy, the businesses and the great figures politics, until the highest step. At this moment, the voracious hands of the YAKUZA arrive at Brazil and manipulate contrabands of weapons and drugs, with indications that are intimamente on to the Red Command in Rio De Janeiro and to the First Command of the Cpaital of São Paulo, concurring with the celebrities cartels of Cali and Medelin as well as with the FARCS that until then were supplying exclusive for the Brazilian factions. In Brazil, already they dominate a parcel significant of the nocturnal diversion, houses of prostitution, games and the sexual slavery, sending women for other countries. As well as the excessively máfias ones, the YAKUZA assists its patricians with financial aid and support in I deal it, always in exchange for favors, that one day later will be charged. In Japan, the YAKUZA enlists its asseclas amongst bosozoku, that she is a poisoned group of motorcyclists and cars, of are chosen its better (or worse) murderous ones there, being that it has 42 and two a thousand in all the country more than. The men of the YAKUZA all keep the tradition of tattooing for the body, made with bamboo chip, of form intenselydolorida, that it can take months and it consumes about five a thousand dolares.Outro ritual important in the Japanese Mafia is that its greaters asseclas practise the cut of the tips of the fingers minimos of both the proper hands in signal of sacrificio for its lider

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