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The Ten Lies That The Men More Count Ii
(Luis Fernando Veríssimo)

I adored its pants new
It is clearly that this phrase alone appears if you to ask ?and there? It liked my new pants?. E, exactly thus, the received reply is lie. It wants to say, until can have liked, but not in such a way to say with all this empolgação. Everybody knows how much they are off for these small (even so we let us not find so small thus) details.
To change the color of the hair (not to be that pass of the bluish black color for the blond white), to paint the nails, to sandpaper the sole of the foot and to place the depilação in day, they are imperceptible changes to the masculine eyes. It has not covered excessively. But, at least, this lie ?I adored its pants? you can prevent?
I go to finish soon with the ?other?
This is a lie for that they adore to put itself in confusion. Generally it is heard by women who if relate with engaged men. It says that he is gotten passionate by you and in crisis with the ?other?.
In first place, why you he was to enter in a so complicated land? If the passion painted and it did not have skill, optimum to make is to wait seated.
He passes one day, one week, one month and is everything in the same one. The more it rolls, greater the probability to be lying. Perhaps he lacks courage to take some attitude or it is in order to be with the two. None of these alternatives is satisfactory, certain? If you it will not be masochistic, skirt desssa.
Clearly that I love you
The problem is not the phrase here, but as it was said. This lie can happen between paqueras, married boyfriends and. When it soon says this later (or before) of any one of the previous phrases, in 99% of the cases, is lie. If you he could read thoughts, would see that this wants to say: ?Already he heard what you he wanted, right? Now we go to move of subject?.
Before being with anger of the loved one, one remembers a thing: declarations of love alone are valid when they are spontaneous, then, it does not advance to be charging the all moment. Care with this histótia of ?I love you?. It is not the same thing that to say ?I adore that picture? or ?I taste of you?.
If he will not be sincere is the worse lie that a man (e, clearly, the women) can say. If you believe the hour and later if she feels been deceptive, is very worse. He looks at well in the eyes and he uses all its intuition not to be victim of these stolen.
He is obvious that I listened
Sabe when you account everything what she is chateando you in the relationship, or then, that day where you want to relieve with somebody? Many times, its friend is not the people more indicated to be the listener.
The majority of the men does not like it paper ?sentimental council member?. In these hours, the phrase ?Is clearly that I heard everything, my good? is a good exit for these insensitive marmanjos. However, it does not give up. In the day where it also will be needing a particular psychologist, it makes to remember it of as it is important to have a shoulder friend.
I am different of the other men
If its boyfriend or husband read all previous lies e, to tranquilize you, said that he was different of the other men (?You does not find, well? ?), he distrusts.
After this small guide of immunization against eventual lies, you did not find this declaration strange? She is not necessary to say more nothing, not?

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