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The Horse's Mouth
(Joyce Cary)

Among my souvenirs I found a book author Joye Cary title: The Horse's Mouth
It is a book that has been on my book shelf for a number of years! In fact,
I was thinking only the other day, "I wonder where I put that book that I
got in a bookstore in London" and there it was staring me in the face.

When delving into major works of literature the title always fascinates me.
I have often heard the expression /never look a gift horse in the mouth/ and have explaained many times that it means quite literally ... if someone gives you a gift, well have the generosity of spirit ... to accept it ... dont question too much the sincerely of the supplier but just take it as its handed out.

All very well in a world of trust and cloisters but in the real world where I live you can hardly put a book down on a park bench but somebody either reads over your shoulder or much worse, if in the middle of your reading afternoon, you nodd off, they actually steal your book! That happened to me years ago and I never quite got over the experience. I always make a promise to myself to retrieve the situation somewhat and look to a future when the thief would give it back to me ... well him, or his mates!

The Horse's Mouth is a portrait book in that the main character Gulley Jimson is an impoverished well meaning ... poor painter. As an artist he cannot be two people at once so he is:

a: a bad citizen and
b: a good artist:

like so many others in life, I guess! Jimson is described as a martyr to the cause - and his devotion is to his painting ... his art! Other more conventional aspects in life he ignores! In fact he flouts conventional values!. Tennyson is likened to the author Joyce Cary and his writing is rich full of gusto and drive and original characterisations the author is described as /the right horse/

The other day I was shocked by the flawed nature of mankind as I had been robbed by a robber and it came into my mind to think about literature and how the author rights the wrongs in fiction! I must add its easier to do it in a book but much harder in life ... to take things in your stride! Anyway I fell off my metaphorical horse and now have climbed on again so I managed to summon up super strength in this instance ... good reading in The Horse's Mouth!!!

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