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Far From Xanadu
(Julie Anne Peters)

Julie Anne Peters has written books for
teens in the past about minorities, especially sexual minorities and
those that struggle with gender-identification. Like Peters's
novel Keeping You a Secret, Far from Xanadu deals with lesbianism,
but more importantly, with true-to-life characters that develop
realistically throughout the novel.
Mike, who goes by her deceased father's name, is
blindly in love with the new girl in town - Xanadu. The story
takes place in a remote farming town in Kansas, which is continually
mocked by Xanadu but is the only home Mike has ever known.
Everything there is, according to the newcoming, "so Toto," (a
reference to Dorothy's dog in The Wizard of Oz in case you were not
Xanadu, during their first meeting, accidentally
flirts with Mike, whom she believes to be a boy. After Mike
removes her sweatshirt and it becomes obvious that she is indeed a
girl, the blatent interest stops. However, there is an
undercurrent of flirtatiousness between the two girls, mostly from
Xanadu, throughout the book.
Mike's best friend, the only other out homosexual in
town, doesn't trust Xanadu and her relationship with Mike. He
feels that Xanadu may be using Mike, toying with her. We see
instances of the latter when Xanadu begins to date one of the most
attractive boys in town - and continues her flirting with Mike.
Mike refuses to look at things this way, however, and continues to
devote herself to Xanadu until the conclusion of their relationship.
During the novel, we see that Mike seems to be
running from something. She eventually is forced to deal with her
personal issues including her father's death and her mother's lack of
living her life. Most of the introspection in this novel happens
toward the end in a mental thunderstorm of sorts. There is a
great build-up of tension until the conclusion, when we finally feel
that Mike has dealt with some of her demons and is moving on with her

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