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Yellow And Hereafter- Horrible Murder Mystery- Ch. 21?

When veteran Atty., Bill Moyers, made his omelette, it was 7 brown eggs, a whole brown onion. His twitching wasnt so bad in the mornings, he likes whole milk- onions. His cat Oliver, was psychic when it came to leftovers. There never were any. Oliver was Black like Sydney or Sylvester. Moyers kicked him. He kept it up., there never were any. At lunch, in his office, his secretary was perfectly bilingual. He brought Top Ramen. Brown hardboiled eggs, he had a predileggtion, Cheez-Whizz from the can (he never huffed the nitrous). With these, he put steaming hot water from the tap, the red lilt on his coffee maker, mixed in some chopped onion. www.valiantdeath.com ---- for experimental music/ art/ zines & more

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