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El Principito
(Antoine de Saint-Exupéry)

This character was born from the drawings Saint-Exupery made
of his childhood recollections and which came to the notice of a publisher. The
work appeared in 1945: a book for adults which could be understood by children
or, the reverse, an illustrated moral
tale for the child we all carry within us and have lost to a greater or lesser
extent. It sounds like children?s literature to a lot of people but the prose
poetry of ?The Little Prince? can be enjoyed at any age.

It is the story of a child, the prince of a far-away planet
where ?the roses are vain?, who holds philosophical conversations with a fox.
He sets off on an interstellar voyage, ending up on Earth where, somewhere in Africa, he meets a pilot whose plane has broken down. The
pilot tells the story of his meeting with the little prince in the first person
and through his questions about the world, the replies and his simple vision of
life, he gives the reader a lesson as much on ethics as on friendship. The
Little Prince returns to his planet, leaving the pilot with an indelible memory
to which he returns six years later, hoping that other adults will be able to
see and learn from the child prince who lives on a planet as small as a house. A
simple, tender story which can be read in a couple of hours.

Resumos Relacionados

- Little Prince

- The Little Prince

- The Little Prince

- The Little Prince

- The Little Prince

Passei.com.br | Biografias


