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Kama Sutra

In the literature of all the countries exist numerous workmanships that turn especially on the love. Between them, KAMA SUTRA is considered classic u on the ability and the Indiana art of the sex and the love. The book dates of century III of our age, but in century XIX it only became known in the Ocidente, disclosed and translated for Sir Richard Burton, English explorer and poliglota whose version of KAMA SUTRA was the base for all the too much translations in several other languages. The basic points to learn the art of the sex and the love, are structuralized inside of the points called sacred for the Indians and excessively through the comment of the animal life and the nature. The Indians had noticed who an animal copula for some times in case that he has its disposal a good number of females apt to the act. Applying this in the life in society, he observed himself that the human male also remains itself always virile when in contact with some distinct females between itself. Another column master of this art is not to confuse the love and the sex, the first one is something special felt by a number of people for other specific people, where not necessarily if it makes gift practical the sexual ones, already how much to as, that is, how much to the sex, this in turn it is dissociado completely of the love, having being made between people who if feel well in touching themselves mutuamente. Established this difference it is important that the man has other females alem of domesticates, is exercised with them, but it does not leave to lack the affection I summon for the woman-wife. It is preferable that it has loving prostitutes instead of and it is equally important that pays them for the service, this fact of the payment gives a air of greater to be able to the man and submission of the female, that becomes the virile man still more. The sexual acts do not have to be practised in the usual ways, therefore this cause one consumes of the libido, but in contrast, the new features and innovations in the privacy of each partner it becomes them each more attractive time. The man beyond penetrating the woman must, also be stimulated, in its normal entrances of the anatomy of its body, being that all orifices must be known by the prostitute who anger, to the few discovering where its man feels greater pleasure degree. The control of the joy must be practised constantly and for this it serves the art of the masturbation, how much bigger the control index on the joy biggest the received and proportionate pleasure. Beyond exercises for the sexual muscles, the practical one also includes the specific and tonic food ingestion that stimulates the sanguine circulation and facilitates the wadding of the cavernous vases of the man, becoming the erection most lasting. Great importance, not properly is given to the act of the penetration only, but yes to the preliminary acts that can arrive at a duration of up to twelve hours, initiating itself at the moment where the couple is knowing that they will go to meet, during the preparation bath, in the choice of the clothes and of the perfume, in the choice of the place, the bed and sheets, in the touch of the hands in the hour of the meeting, in the esfregamento session that it must make in other with all the parts of the body, it ties the penetration finally, not culminating obligatorily with joy, that must be suppressed by the biggest possible time. Another line of direction of KAMA SUTRA is in more than the three a thousand possible and imaginable positions that if they apply to the sexual act, these positions however compresses the penis of the man, however stimulates its anus, however stimulates its testicules and also the masculine seios, different positions are adopted to stimulate each part of the female, these practise not only need vigor and muscular energy in the sexual member as well as for all the body, therefore meditation sends regards and practises physics amongst them the Yoga.

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