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(Jane Austen)

Anne Elliot is the fascinating protagonist of this last novel of Jane Austen. Just nineteen year-old the youth is forced to refuse the love of an officer of the harbor because of the opposition and of the "persuasion "of the family because not of rich family. Many years after the economic conditions of the aristocrat family Elliots worsen so much that the father of Anne decides to give in lease his own villa to the admiral Croft. The destiny wants that brother-in-law of the admiral is really that official of the harbor that by now become affirmed and well-off: so Anne has a second occasion to restart with his ever forgotten love.This is surely among all the novels written by the Austen the most mature: the described feelings, the language, the narrative technique are very more wisely orchestrated in comparison to the first books of the writer. From the reading of "Persuasion" it clearly appears us the portrait of the English province of beginning eight hundred and through the love contrastated of Anne and the captain Frederick, is also evident a strong polemic antiaristocratica. Besides "Persuasion" it is deeply influenced by the romantic sensibility that he went affirming in England in that years; it is, somehow, a disenchanted portrait of a hope that doesn't die, of a love that withstands the love that withstands the time, to the temptations, to the controversies, to the resentments.... and it is really from this contrast that the strength of the novel is probably born: a well planted hope for earth, withdrawn by an author that has always painted, with the same mastery, the folly and the wisdom of the life. "Persuasion" it is in fact a sure testimony of that has been one "unusual adventure of the talent": the adventure of a timid girl of two centuries ago what it contains everything one world, the whole taste of an epoch, of a weak and influenceable girl at first that chooses the loneliness rather than to oppose the family and the social rules, but then mature, it purchases in safety and it chooses the love in definite way.

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