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The Egípcio
(Milka Voltaire)

The Egyptian is an excellent workmanship, in book that already become rare between the collectors, found in some libraries, tell in memories, a history that have for scene Old Egypt and its wonderful and mysterious civilization, come back to the material growth, the land conquests, to the cultural enlargement of all a nation and its ocultismo, with the religious focus directed toward typical politeísmo having as the maximum god Amon-ha. The main personage, who is also the narrator, is a doctor called Sinue, created by parents of supplied classroom Egyptian, without being of the cut of faraó, was educated since child to be doctor in the house of the life, what she would give the priest heading to it, a time that the doctors operated the body and soul. He gets passionate yourself madly for prettiest of the women who already exist, called Nefer-Nefer-Nefer, what he means three times beautiful, it seduces with its body and luxuriosas caresses and it, ingenuamente transfers to all its richness to it, that if was not still enough takes it the rights of the sepulture of the parents. Looser for the desires that excited it the enchantments of the beautiful, embrenha in the drink and the lewdness of its character, corrupting itself, m until being shot to the jail as a beggar. One recovers and he comes back to clinicar, he gains money and respect, he prepares a potion and the delivery in secret so that he was sorvida by the treasonous one, that attacked of bad suddenly deceased, sent as poor and poor is had as for the house of the death, where would wait to be embalmed, its presumption awakes when having corpse forcene for one of the fétidos workers of that place, then it seduces to all, demanding in exchange for its love the jewels of the dead, runs away and if it removes of scene, richer of what outside. Meanwhile, Sinue judging itself satisfied, not knowing of uncurling of the case, part in trip around of the world, very knows a young woman pretty, who if becomes the true love of its life, but the young one was a vestal chosen since child to be sacrificed to the god minotauro and Sinue does not obtain to hinder this serious and tragic end of loved its, but it discovers that the god was died and in its place the priest acted who did not want to leave the news if to spread. The Egyptian is repleto of secrets of faraós, its deuses, its tricks and its cut, all the politics of Old Egypt is unmasked in more than the five hundred pages of this wonderful workmanship that beyond an excellent romance brings, still, baila, a little of the secrets of the Great Pyramid. The revelation of real history is confused with the romanesco, what in it gives reasons to them to imagine almost with perfection as was and as that mysterious society lived.

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- Sinuhe The Egyptian

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