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Succesful Writing
(Teresa McCuaig)

Here is another self help book on publishing and the do's and don'ts of that world. Special emphasis is paid to listing all the pros and cons of writing. Rejections play a high part in the life of the writer in the UK! Other countries use the lawyers : the Police Force: or just the man on the other side of the street!

Successful writing is a therapy book: they deal mainly with the dreadful cover letter: and spend hours setting up how to write a success letter> Most people have whittled away the over abundance of flowery phrases in business studies only to be reminded that SUCCESSFUL WRITING depends upon these phrases.

I suppose flattery is a great compliment but nevertheless, it can get between you and your readership. Much advice is given on the business of selling your work to your readership! In the grown up world of reality publishing that means BOOK SIGNINGS and then everyone is encouraged to have the pull of a ROCK STAR! Nobody will turn up for old boring boots muttering into the pages of an already outmoded form.
However, much attention is paid to presentation and I think thats where this book is best! Its good to listen to another point of view but then awkward when almost everyone you know disagrees and we have another twist in the tale of the story of the mouse at home in the country ... successful writing and indeed, successful reading ...

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