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The Trilogy Of New York
(Paul Auster)

?The Trilogy of New York? is a composed book for 3 histories: ?Glass City?, ?Ghosts? and ?the closed room?. In all they we can feel the climate of police romance intensely, I contend its main ingredients as the inquiry or the monitoring of a person on the part of another one. The great one drawn of its author, Paul Auster, is in all offering at a first moment the climate to them of police romance ?cliche?, typical. It does not delay the one that all the tram if becomes something more complex and unexpected, running away from our initial perception.

By the way, this costuma to be a constant in its workmanships: the queerness if establishes in the lesser details, in the facts daily. Auster follows with maestria its proposal of overturn, in also offering final unexpected. The hard suspense all the reading, to the wait of what it will come. To the end, the conclusion offers to the reader the possibility of different types of conclusion. Final ?in they are practically opened?, that it guarantees the participation of the understanding of the reader in its final agreement.

We can say that a link to moor the three narratives of ?the Trilogy of New York? is is the questionings of the efemeridade of the life and the being. Considerações on in that the human being if transforms exactly throughout its life - that if does not give account of this. But the comments on its change are tácteis: also dumb it its relation with the others. Thus, that what it seems safe and invariant today, in the following day already can completely be different. The incoherence human being for times seems to be the concern greater of Auster, as well as its proper easiness of illusion. Auster always adored to play with this border: reality and fiction. As much that is many its books where the personage functions as its ego, having or its initials or characteristics of its life that obviously they send to the author. For it, for times seems not to exist border between reality and fiction. He would fit to the reader to decide what, for it, can be taken as reality lived for the personage or mere illusion of this.

Paul Auster if shows great virtuose in the construction of the three trams of this book. E when we think that they are isolated, after that in we give account to them of the interlacement of the same ones. It has references of personages and situations of histories for the others, even so seem that they do not have nothing in common. Suddenly in we ahead see them of a game very constructed well. It is truth, that for times lacks a concatenation of certain theories that Auster goes leaving to escape throughout the book. For times it seems that it uses the workmanship as a laboratory of dissertação concerning its readings, the great classic authors. References with which it plays and it demonstrates its knowledge.
In the end of the accounts, they are the mystery of the identity, the knowledge and the art the main conductors of the workmanship. In ?glass City?, a police book writer is confused with a particular detective. What it makes? He decides to incarnate the paper. Already in ?Ghosts?, one contracted detective to watch a man transforms the work into a life case or death. Finally, in ?the closed room?, the friend of a disappeared writer is tormented by the guilt, later that the supposed widower puts in charge it to publish originals of the husband. New York is, without a doubt, the image of a made mental labyrinth of false and true tracks, of acasos and deceits.

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