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The Giver
(Lois Lowry)

Jonas is a young boy who is about to be analyzed and given a specific job he must do in the community. In his world there is no fighing, fear or pain but with this world comes no choices. At a certain age you are chosen your career path and you then begin apprenticeship. Some girls are chosen as mothers and they give birth to children there whole life and give these kids to other people in the community because they can not have there own kids. once you get to a cetain age you are taken to the better place.
When Jonas reaches 12 he is given his job assignment and it is a very special one. He is to become the new giver. The giver knows the truth about the world and the pain and real pleasure. Jonas gets very upset about how these things are hidden from the rest of the people and he is angered when the original giver is to be killed because he is old. So they escape out into the real world and it is a very hard journey

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