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Rifts World Book #14: The New West
(Christopher R. Kormmann; Kevin Siembieda)

Rifts World Book #14: The New West continues to expand the North American continent for the Rifts Role Playing Game. This sourcebook explores the American West, again a frontier, thanks to the cataclysm and the coming of the rifts. The resurgence of magical energy and influx of alien, other dimensional beings have transformed the land into an almost primeval state.
The West is crawling with supernatural creatures of evil, demons, dragons, and the occasional bloodthirsty dinosaur. One of the major forces of stability in the region if the First Apocalyptic Cavalry, a rag tag group of vigilantes devoted to patrolling the area. Unfortunately, this vigilante group tends to follow the basic principle that if it is not human, shoot it. In the world of Rifts Earth, not all other dimensional creatures are evil.
The Grand Canyon has become the home to a race of beings known as the Lyn-Srial. They are a race of golden skinned humanoids with two sets of arms (one of them winged) and the head of an eagle. Furthermore, these air borne aliens follow a code of behavior very similar to that of a knight. They patrol the lands around their homes, which are carved into the sides of the Grand Canyon. Another asset to their kingdom is the harnessing of a new form of magic called Cloud Magic.
Another fun aspect of this sourcebook is that it provides the rules for creating Rodeos and Traveling Medicine Shows (two popular forms of cultural entertainment). Furthermore, it details dozens of new character classes and items of equipment for new players. It also has a nice section on robotics (including the robotic horse, the perfect mount for the traveler with enough cash in the West).
In closing Rifts World Book: The New West tries to capture the same sense of adventure one associates with the American West. This sense must be balanced by the sense of magic, mystery, and dread that is central to the theme of Rifts, where one explores a transformed world.

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