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France Today:
(John Ardagh:)

I have touched upon a number of books about France and this one seemed interesting enough to mention that the writer: John Ardagh was born in East Africa in 1928 the son of a civil servant. He was a writer with The Times and The Observer during his career and had long toyed with the idea of writing a book about France ... thus ... this great edition on that subject.

A passionate believer in European Unity he goes on to capture the readership with views and news on
France today! Though it is incumbent upon one to mention that Italy won the World Cup in Football 2006 alas! Poor France, we know them well!

The profound changes in French society are a must in this book! Many of my friends and colleagues either are French or come from France or have bought a villa in France/my connection here would be to join them on mainland Europe! It would be worth a lot to examine modern France close up having read the news in Le Monde recently ... it was all about the position of women there ... very similar to our own position here in the UK! I always like a keen mind in this connection!

John Ardagh goes on to talk about Labour Relations and that of course is a big issue given the now up and running European Union with us of course as top front members in the EU! It seems as if when this book first was published in the 1980s it was going where no man had gone before! But such are the changes in society that its interesting to /look back/ at these grand eloquent views .
For example, Ardagh talks about the political leaders in France .... these days ... CHIRAC is still very much to the fore in French Politics and his private life is often given an airing by the Media especially here in England in English! I wonder if any French man bothers to read about it! I certainly have been captivated by the activities in France during the period this covers! I was in Paris in the 1970s and visited then again in the 1980s/ the relentless surge of modern life had certainly taken a hold! I donned my French mac and kept my pocket dictionary close at hand! Coughed up a few francs and went driving off the the South of France on holidays! Now of course France has gone
EURO like a lot of other countries in Europe! We in Britain are dragging our feet rather in that respect! We still prefer to count out the pennies ... save up the pounds ... and refer to the old quaint world of this historic past! France was like that when I last was there in the 1980s.

I agree, that Ardagh has a book full of piquant vignettes as the critic Richard Mayne in the Observer comments! As for myself as an educator I always like to delve into books and find the references both quaint and piquant ... hopefully you will do the same ... happy reading ...

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