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Rifts World Book #12: Psyscape
(Kevin Siembieda)

Rifts World Book #12: Psyscape focuses on the mysterious Ohio Valley, home to the legendary city of mutants, psychics, and aliens. For those players of the Rifts Role Playing Game that are interested in psychic characters, this book is essential.
One of the intriguing aspects of this book is the back-story for the popular character class known as the Psi-Stalker. In the days following the great cataclysm, many people developed a certain affinity towards their aggressive natures. North America was being transformed around them. Nature was reclaiming the countryside, Ley Lines flared up and rifts spilled forth powerful supernatural creatures. Many people with powerful magical sensing abilities escaped into the wilderness to evade those more monstrous. Over the centuries, these people ?evolved? into being known as Psi-Stalkers, wild, semi-barbaric psychics with the ability to sense magic energy, each with a thirst to hunt the demonic, magical, or undead.
The city of Psyscape also established itself soon after the cataclysm. It served as a haven for all, but especially to those gifted with certain abilities, like telepathy, pyrokinesis, and telekinesis. This section of the book outlines new psionic powers available to characters, as well as outlines new psychic player characters to choose from. One of the more bizarre psychic character classes introduced in this text is the Nega-Psychic, a powerful psychic who does not believe that magic and psychic powers exist in a way that can affect him or her. Thus, the person that does not believe in these powers has these powers. Furthermore, these powers work automatically to disrupt magic and psionics around them.
Rifts World Book 12: Psyscape introduces a great adventure and another powerful villain for player characters to battle. This evil, Nxla, the Harvester of Souls, is a vast intelligence living on another world. Drawn to the magic rich environment of Earth, Nxla is literally imbuing evil people with its energy. These people, called Harvesters, are tasked with the capturing of souls to fuel the spell that will bring Nxla to Earth. In the meanwhile, Nxla and his minions are ravaging North America like a plague.

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