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All About Serengeti National Park,tanzania
(Ethel Namala)

Location and Geography

? The Serengeti National Park is located in Tanzania, adjacent to Ngorongoro Conservation Area.
? The Serengeti ecosystem includes 2 countries: Tanzania and Kenya
? In Kenya, the Serengeti ecosystem is renowned as Masai Mara National Reserve.
? Serengeti National Park is 14,763 square kilometers.
? First detailed research on the Serengeti ecosystem was undertaken by two German Nationals (father and son), Dr. Bernhard and Michael Grizmek. The details of their findings and stories on the Serengeti are documented in a book called Serengeti Shall Not Die.
? The Serengeti National Park has many rivers flowing through it, permanent and seasonal, including the Seronera River, Mara River, Grumeti River and Orangi River.

The participants: White bearded Wildebeests, Burchells Zebras and Thompson's Gazelles

? The highlight of the Serengeti ecosystem, not found anywhere in the world, is the migration of the animals thus the reason to visit Serengeti National Park and Masai Mara National Reserve.
? The migration of animals consists of White Bearded Wildebeests, Burchells Zebra and Thomson's gazelles.
? The migration begins by the wildebeests, gazelles and zebra's own innate biological triggers determined to search for water and greener pastures.
? The migration attracts diverse species of predators, some being: Hyenas, Lions, Leopards, Cheetahs, Crocodiles, Pythons etc.
? Over a million wildebeests begin their circumambulation of the Serengeti National Park and Masai Mara National Reserve. Over half a million Burchells Zebras and Thompson's gazelles participate in the traditions of the Serengeti.

Facts On White bearded Wildebeests:

? There are two species of wildebeests in Africa: the White Bearded Wildebeests found in East Africa and the Black Bearded wildebeest found in southern Africa.
? Migratory wildebeests numbering in the thousands will not complete the circumambulation of the Serengeti ecosystem because of deaths and diseases.
? A newborn wildebeest is called a calf, and can stand upright and begin running in less than half an hour after birth.
? The calving female wildebeests, after an eight-month gestation period will produce over 250,000 offspring's with majority of them being female.
? Wildebeests of the Serengeti participate in the migration but yet generally, wildebeests are territorial animals when resident to an area, which seems ironical.
? Wildebeests enjoy mixed savannah grassland and wooded vegetation. The savannah grassland provides food for survival and the wooded areas provide the necessary shading and shelter.
? Mating of the wildebeests is more appropriately referred to as "Rutting."

Burchells Zebras:

? The two types of zebras found in East Africa are the Burchells zebras found in Serengeti and Southern parts of Kenya, and Grevy zebra found in Northern Kenya in the Samburu and Shaba National Reserves.
? Burchells and Grevy Zebras are like original pieces of artwork: no two are alike.
? Burchells Zebras along with other species of the Serengeti National Park, like Baboons, are the sound alarm for approaching predators; the zebra's superb sight, smell and sound are the reason many wildebeests can emerge victorious when challenged by predators because of early warnings.
? Burchells Zebras are not territorial, and are often found on the plains of Serengeti, many a times cross-necked to keep a watchful eye over predators.
? Male zebras are referred to as stallions; female to as mares; and offspring born are called foals.
? The gestation period for the mare is 12 to 13 months.

Thompson's Gazelles

? Thompson's gazelles are endemic to National Parks and Reserves in Northern Tanzania and Kenya.
? They are the last to follow in the migration, chomping up the remainder of the grass leftover by the zebras and wildebeests.
? Thompson's gazelles have a high tolerance to absence of water thus the reason for their late arrival in the migration process. They supplement tater of during the Serengeti dry season by intelligently digesting plants and wild fruits that retain water.
? They are often found in large number of herds in all part of the Serengeti National Park plains.
? They have a superb sight and smell capabilities, which enables them to sense their predators, allowing them to flee in time

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