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Rifts World Book #6: South America
(C.J. Carella)

Rifts World Book #6: South America focuses primarily upon the northern half of our southern continental neighbor. The coming of the rifts transformed the new world completely. As noted in Rifts World Book #1, Mexico and Central America have become infested with vampires. South America has not succumbed completely to evil. There are some civilized nations that have struggled to keep above barbarism.
The Land of a Thousand Islands, as South America is now known, still retains its huge biodiversity. However, on top of its being the home to thousands of animal and insect life from our world, it is now the home to creatures from millions of other worlds (and other times).
The first nation outlined in this book is the Republic of Colombia, a nation comprised of humankind. A fairly technologically advanced nation, the Colombians of this world do not look kindly upon aliens, mutants, and other dimensional beings. The only exception to this intolerance is the large population of Dwarves, who were rifted hundreds of years ago and who have long since adapted to the culture of Colombia. One of the more interesting developments of Colombia is that of the Anti-Monster (available to players as a character class). The Anti-Monster is a full conversion cyborg whose components are then magically turned into biological components. In terms of power, by submitting to this process, a normal person can have the raw power equal to that of a supernatural creature (with his or her bionics) and have the ability to draw upon the heightened magical environment.
The next major nation to arise from the ashes of the cataclysm is the Kingdom of Bahia, a land settled by humans mostly of African American or Indian descent. The ancestors of the modern day Bahian were practitioners of Voodoo. Their strong affinity for magic gave these people a slight edge in surviving the coming of the rifts; hence voodoo is a strong influence. This magical kingdom has also attracted scores of other dimensional beings, including lizard men, dwarves, and elves.
Maga Island is a small kingdom of a new race of Elvenkind. These Jungle Elves have strong connections to the natural world and practice a form of magic, Biomancy, that is not known outside of their community. The location of Maga Island is the far East coast of the continent. Due to their location and their knowledge of a new form of the arcane arts, this makes Maga Island a frequent target of Splurgoth raiders (see Rifts World Book #2: Atlantis).
The final major kingdom in the Northern half of the continent is the Kingdom of Lagarto, a haven for Lizardmen and other reptilian humanoids. After the coming of the rifts, a tribe of Lizardmen were rifted from the fantasy world of Palladium. Upon their arrival, they discovered what was to them the ultimate paradise: the Land of a Thousand Islands. They returned to Palladium to bring more of their kind and quickly settled in peace. However, recently, an envoy from Atlantis? City of Dracona arrived, preaching the word of a new religion, the evil Cult of the Dragonwight. Soon, Lagarto began expanding its borders and becoming more militant towards its neighbors.
Rifts: South America is another strong book in the Rifts series of sourcebooks. It offers the rules for the two new forms of magic (Voodoo and Biomancy), and expands the selection of player character classes by over two dozen.

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