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Rifts World Book Four: Africa
(Kevin Siembieda et al)

Rifts World Book #4: Africa, by Kevin Siembieda, is a great addition to the line of Rifts Role Playing Game sourcebooks. It really builds upon the three sourcebooks that have preceded it. The most exciting thing about this text is the campaign material. For those new to Role Playing, a campaign is the specific plot of the adventure. Featured in this sourcebook is a top-notch villain. Pharaoh Rama-Set is a great foil for the player characters, and has one of the best "villain back stories". An ancient Chiang-Ku Dragon (see Rifts World Book #3: England), Rama-Set has been on Earth since before Atlantis sunk. When the magics of Earth waned, he remained behind on this planet, disguised as a human. Through the centuries, Rama-Set wandered the Earth as a hero, but after witnessing the genocidal crimes of World War II, this noble beast began to pursue a philosophy of anarchy. After the cataclysm returned Earth to its magical nature, Rama-Set established his kingdom in one of the most magical of places. His kingdom attracted the foul, evil, and demonic. Rama-Set enslaved millions of humans, mutants, and other dimensional castaways. Further still, Rama-Set tortured a wondrous Millennium Tree, a powerful force for good growing in the magical rich Giza Plateau. The true adventure lies in his current plot to destroy the world. Rama-Set, in his madness, has used his arcane knowledge to summon the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, the four demons Death, War, Famine, and Pestilence, to Earth. Rama-Set's summoning spell misfired, and the four demons arrived at different points across Africa. The course of this adventure sees the demons each making their way to the Giza Plateau. Once they have all arrived, Rama-Set will be able to unite the four into one being of infinite evil. Once this "Armageddon Beast" has been created, the powers of the individual Horsemen are amplified and all life on Earth will be destroyed in a matter of months. The true danger lies in the fact that Earth is now a universal "hub". It has dimensional portals to thousands of other worlds. After Earth has been destroyed by the Four Horsemen, they will be free to destroy as many worlds as they wish. The hook for the player characters is that worldwide, heroes of Earth are gathering together, uniting to defeat the Four Horsemen before they arrive in Egypt. It's almost like a post-apocalyptic crusade. As other source books in the Rifts series, this text offers players over two dozen new character classes from which to choose. Further still, this book details the evil magical art of Necromancy, as well as the native African magical art of Rainmaking. For those players looking for an important Rifts book to add to their collection, Rifts: Africa is whole heartedly recommended.

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