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(The Bible)

The book of Numbers is
the fourth book of the Bible, and the fourth in its first session called Pentateuch. The Pentateuch is formed by the five books that
Moses wrote. Numbers is the book of the desert. It tells us how the
ceremonies and practices described in Leviticus effectivelly
happened. We see there the dedication of the Levi's tribe to the
sacerdotal working. We see the peregrination of the people of Israel
through the desert to the Promise Land, and how, time after time,
they grumbled and offended God. Numbers tell us also about the Spies
that Moses sended to see Canaan. Here we see the borning of a new
leader in Israel, Joshua, that will substitute Moses, years before,
and conduct Israel's hordes in the conquest of the Promise Land.

Resumos Relacionados

- Leviticus

- Exodus

- Genesis

- Exodus

- Exodus

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