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Not Without My Daughter
(Betty Mahmoody)

Given to me by my sister in law to read....i approached the book with a kind of reluctance...i was an avid reader ..books make me forget my surroundings....but that was fiction...but this ..this was a real life story....a exceprt from the life of the author.....i had heard a lot about the book ......and i wanted to read it..but i was nt sure if i would enjoy it....anyways..here i am nw..deeply engrossd in it...i t startsa of with the author's travel to iran on vacation of two weks to meet her Iranian husband's family........but alas little does she realise that she is going to stay back in Iran permanently..the first two chapters deal with the protogonists trouble to settle into life in iran where women are opressed ...and people live a less hygenic life....each description and every word in the book potray her disgust and fight to settle into somekind of life there....all the while hoping to go back home soon....but to her dismay she soon comes to know that her husband has lost his job ( He was a doctor....) and has no plans to go back to America... this book is about her struggle to go back to America..with her daughter ( being the key issue)..and how she at last succeeds in it...the story of her courage and determination....i am sure it will make pleasurable reading for most avid readers....hope u all enjoy it!

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