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The Cosmic Hierarchy And Its Endless Diversity
(Melanie Engels)

The Cosmic Hierarchy and its Endless Diversity, a book by Melanie Engels, is a fascinating philosophical view of the cosmic hierarchy. She suggests, in this hierarchy the properties of the various atoms and their unique shapes and configurations vary from level to level - from the macro-cosmos to the micro-cosmos. From her description of the cosmic hierarchy scientific concepts about the cosmos should no longer be regarded as intrusions into the Divine, instead endeavours at reconciliation with the Divine. Their interrelationship make it possible. As a result a shift toward conflict resolution between the Divine and science should be anticipated.
Galileo Galilee declared the sun as the centre of the cosmos not the earth as was common belief, and Charles Darwin declared that millions of years of evolution has resulted in the present formation of our globe and its populations. According to religious beliefs Special Creation was supposed to have occurred 6000 years ago that Charles Darwin with his theory of evolution contradicted. The author relates in her book how these contradictory principles are totally reconcilable.
As becomes apparent in her book both the above ideas ? special creation and evolution - can be reconciled because she maintains that the solar system operates in 7000-year cycles. The solar systems is considered a system, hence it has a beginning and an end, with an end-directed goal. Her ideas are based on scientific observations of microscopic atoms (basic matter) in the laboratory that parallel the sophisticated atoms in the cosmic hierarchy. They all possess an intrinsic core that govern the atoms behaviours ? macro or micro -, hence not so easy to discern especially since the atomic particle configurations and sizes are different. As well, she maintains that everything in the cosmos has its diametrical opposite and, hence the tiny microscosmic atom has a massive counterpart, the macrocosmic, which is the cosmos as a whole. As such she theorizes the solar system is a closed most sophisticated atom on the macro level, the Sun its nucleus, constituting an entity, and all planetary systems are on the next lower level. She suggests, only on planet earth further subgroupings of sophisticated and basic atomic structures and organisms can be found that the planetary systems sustain and support, right down to the microcosmic world and its basic units of matter - all acting like parasites in that they receive their sustenance from the next higher level.
She also proposes that humans are descendents of dinosaurs that over millions of years developed into homo sapiens due to transfiguration of sophisticated atoms. Further, that a natural law exists, the Law of Reversal, responsible for the dynamics of change that changes everything to its diametrical opposite in space/time. Realities once narrated by use of metaphors and allegories in the beginning, (the art of depicting fictional stories that contain underlying truths), are revealed by the Law of Reversal as truths in the latter days.
She further suggests that large accumulations of radiations and emissions from masses of decaying matter on earth from decomposing human and animal cadavers to dieing off of marine life and plant life on a grant scale are responsible for the depletion of the Ozone layer and the warming of the atmosphere, and not because of pollution, though pollution is a factor dangerous to health and other life forms that man need to get a handle on, or it will destroy all life on earth. Radiation implies heat and heat is always attracted to the cold, therefore, for the heat to reach the still colder region of the cosmos the Ozone layer is penetrated causing the holes. A sign that the globe is entering its last phase of the cosmic cycle as the heat transfer will soon have reached equilibrium.
Beside these proposals she addresses the definition of the apocalypse; Aryan-Jewish identity; parthenogenesis; similarities between the Ark of the Covenant,the Holy Grail, and the Kaaba; and how she perceives the processing of earthly data and essences in the cosmic hierarchy; plus the futile efforts of space exploration in an effort to making a planet habitable for humans, which will never happen. It could be compared to making a heart out of a liver in order to produce a new life. For self-evident reasons this will never happen. Another idea of hers is that humanity lives under a Master Plan foreordained before the world began (that is, the present cycle), and that a new Master Plan will be designed for the next civilization of which we will be a part in a continuous cycle. Confirmed at Titus 1:2, ?In hope of eternal life, which God, that cannot lie, promised before the world began.? She obviously has done a lot of research to support her theories and made use of biblical quotations, allegorical as they are, to back her ideas. It is guaranteed to make one think.
The use of metaphors and allegory commonly used in literature in the antiquity that gave rise to serious misinterpretations of essential messages to humanity are exposed.
With compelling logic find out how scripture and science is in most respects reconcilable with science and logical thinking.
Though the book presents diverse views of sensitive subjects, different from how they are commonly portrayed I?m sure enquiring and open minds will feel enlightened by them. The book is available through www.Amazon.com. Astrid

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