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Chico Mendes - Crime And Punishment
(Zuenir Ventura)

The soul of Chico Mendes

The Chico book Mendes - Crime and punishment are a book news article, that without no exemption, inside discloses to the reader a fight of a barbarous and unjust environment, having an end that although tragic it finished victorious person.

The Acre territory was palco of disputes and many injustices. But also it was scene of mártir, that it called the attention for the gravity the problems related to the Amazonian forest, its name was Chico Mendes. The murder of this syndicalist was the starting point of many of the occured changes in the country, and Zuenir in them presents in its book this history in a very personal way.

A seringueiro leader whose death was announced, and that with bravery he supported in the battlefield until its murder. A visionary who learned to read to the 20 years, and that he defended the end of the deforestation of the Amazônia, solutions for the extrativismo and the auto-sustainable production for the families of the region. E nobody better to biografar its cause that Zuenir Ventura, a not so young journalist of reputation, with more than thirty years of career and that, it obtained to disclose in its book the true soul of Chico Mendes. Although the arrival of the journalist to the Acre to have been posthumous, the rescue to the past of the leader told in its book was so necessary that its personality was perceived, without nor the the least to know the seringueiro personally. E Zuenir never had been with it.

The workmanship was divided in three parts, having been the first fond a of Happiness the Xapurí, in the Acre, in 1988, then after the death of Chico Mendes, in a climate of conflict and threats, second, in 1999, the return for so waited judgment of the defendant and third, in 2003, reencontro and the surprise to see a calmer Acre and with farmers made use to the dialogue. The evolution of the Acre told for the writer, displays the landmark of the occured change after the death of the leader.

In a climate of conflict, Zuenir Ventura it not only tells in its book the history of Chico Mendes, but its proper history, counted on the human point of view and not of a professional who longs for a great puncture, but as one to be common that it desires justice to the culprits.

To if integrating to that reality, far from the badalado axle River - São Paulo, the author dives in a survival universe, where he displays the cause Amazonian as he does not see yourself comumente in other regions of the country. In one determined moment of its trip, he dissimulates to be a tourist to get information on the case. An attitude as this, emphasizes that all journalism is investigativo and that, does not have as to foresee certain attitudes when we are sufficiently involved in the tram. Another moment of solidarity was when it took the Genésio boy who was being threatened for Rio De Janeiro, for its proper house. It sees in its front one appeals, as of Chico the Mendes, but it had the possibility there to help it. With this gesture, Zuenir becomes coadjuvante of history. At any moment it hides indignation with the involved ones that they were free and politicians who wanted only notoriety, nor neither its admiration for the few competent ones that they had helped in the verification of the case. Explicitava its critical conscience and to all its personages.

To be journalist was primordial at this moment, but the heart was beyond. Zuenir if mixed the people, he was sensible and curious, and more than this, if it got passionate for the cause, and she is accurately this the soul of the reporter, to develop a social paper, of property of the humanity and not only of particular interests. An example of courage, faro sharpened and a spirit of adventure, love and respect to the nature.

This book in discloses them that journalistic imparcialidade does not exist where has feeling.

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