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A Street Car Name Desire


A street car named desire, the most famous play of Williams takes the alienation of modern man as the basic theme; most of his characters are sentenced to society confinement inside their skin. The author describes the society as a kind of jungle where immorality is present. In Streetcar he regards men as savages and his sympathies lie with the sensitive, the gentle, and the unprotected. In Street Named Desire, Blanch Dubois lives in a world of unreality, she tries to hide her age with powders and soft lighting, she does not want realism, and she says she wants magic. Her greatest dilemma is finding somebody to take the place of a husband whom she loved and lost. And in this search for love, she will try to fill the void at any cost, this being the essential reason for her promiscuity. She has a desperate need to be special, but not wanting to be lonely, she clings to her dreams and she herself creates an intense isolation. Blanch represents the southern aristocratic, decaying land-owner. Whereas Stanley, (one of the main character of the play), the new industrial, commercial society of the 20th century. Precisely this is what the South lacks, vitality and strength. . Stanley?s sexuality is coarse, profane but vital and even healthier. However, it is far from perfect and it is not the remedy for the neurotic and delicate asexuality of Blanch. It lacks tenderness, spirituality and beauty. Another important character within the play is Mitch, who is a victim of loneliness. Although he is bound to his aged mother, he is unsatisfied and restless. He feels incomplete and looks for somebody who will give him a sense of wholeness. Where Mitch rejects Blanche, he also gives up the feeling of manhood. She has aroused in him. He again becomes the boy dependent upon his mother. Blanche, rejecting the outer world for the last time, takes refugee in her inner world, and as she is torn between two worlds, illusion and reality. She tries to live in a world of her making, which recreates the past clothing, jewellery, mannerism and constant reference to a beam who will rescue her. Reality represented by the perversity and death of her husband. The loss of Belle Reeve, her life of promiscuity and alcoholism is too witching, so she creates a fantasy world for herself, but finally she is sent to an institute for insane people.

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