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Horse, Follow Closely
(GaWaNi Pony Boy)

GaWaNi Pony Boy is a Native American horse trainer with a unique approach to training. His methods are based upon developing a relationship with the horse. It is only logical, as the horse is our partner!

The book discusses the psychology of the horse; why it is he does what he does and how he thinks. To anyone desiring to train a horse, this is essential information. In order to effectively perform a movement, one must understanding the logic behind it. Also provided is insight into the Native American history and philosophy on horses and their training. Various legends, tales, and historical extracts are not only informative, but entertaining. Also covered, is the background on painting horses. Various symbols are shown, accompanied by their meanings.

To further build upon the discussion of the philosophy behind horse training, GaWaNi provides detailed exercises to establish a solid working relationship with a horse. The program is based on a strong foundation, one that is established on the ground. By completing these ground exercises, one can prove to their horse that they are a good leader; a leader to be trusted, respected, and followed. Once such a relationship is established, there are a further set of exercises that can be performed under saddle. By the end of the program, horse and rider will be well on their way to being a willing team; having a true partnership.

A wonderful read, this book is both educational and entertaining. If you want a better relationship with your horse (and you can be sure this is what your horse wants!) you need to read this book. Accompanying the text are breathtaking photographs of GaWaNi and his horses, all of which are set against glorious backdrops. A must read for anyone loving horses, Native American history, or who just appreciate the artistic value of photography.

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