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(Daniel Quinn)

?Teacher Seeks pupil, must have earnest desire to save world.?

The revolution of the sixties had been a major let down. For all their work, the children of the revolution had gotten little results. Had this newspaper add been around then things would have been a lot different. But for one reader, it is not too late. Responding to the newspaper add completely changes his life.

The teacher is none other than Ishmael, a brilliant, insightful, well versed?. gorilla. After overcoming his surprise at his teacher?s appearance, the student of our story is nearly ready to learn. First, however, he must unlearn what ?mother-culture? has been spoon feeding him since birth. It is that with which we are most familiar that we tend know the least about. A man may live in a town his whole life and notice less about it than the tourist passing through- Ishmael points out.

The history that we learn in school is greatly skewed; it tells of one only side. In addition, that one sided account is often far different from what is real. That one side, however, is so firmly ingrained, that it is often difficult for one to even consider that there is another possibility. This concept is a constant sticking point for our student, for assumptions certainly make life simpler, more predictable.

In order to save the world, we first must be able to see what is there all around us. The ever patient teacher, the gorilla walks his student through the process, step by step, gradually opening his eyes to what had always been right in front of him. As their time together progresses, the student must undertake a second battle. Now not only must he learn to save the world, but he must find a way to save his teacher as well.

Resumos Relacionados

- Ishmael

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- Bible

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