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Adventure In The Island
(Enid Blyton)

English writer for children, is born in the ends of century XIX and writes, over all enters the decades of 20 and middles of century XX are marked by the conservadorismo bourgeois and, in England, the marks of two wars are reflected in the creative activity, of that it is not exception Enid Blyton. In all the case, this shining writer, wise person perfectly to catch the attention of the young with an absorbent writing, going to the meeting of its interests and dreams. The adult one only appears as element of moral correction, that is, to punish the bad ones and to reward the group of young that had obtained them to unmask. In histories of Blyton, the adult is distant, but present when it will be necessary to act.
In Adventure in the Island, two youngsters and two raparigas, plus a hilariante catatua capable to all imitate the type of sounds and noises, go to pass the vacations in an old house, acastelada, where the uncles of two of the children live, an aunt atarefada with the chore of the house and the money lack and an investigating uncle, passing the time in its library and ignoring everything to its return. The scene of this book is paradigmático of the universe of Enid Blyton, a house in cliffs sobranceira to the sea, isolation in relation to the city, birds, private grottos, islands hidden in the mist, smugglers and mounts of adventures and peripécias. The young that reads it feels itself carried to the wild beauty of the place and feels with force the nature and its elements: the wind in the old windows of the house, the marine birds crying out to the return of the beach, the sea of meeting to cliffs. Not even it lacks an old map of a hidden way that the young quatros will have that to interpret so that everything finishes well. In plus no book of Blyton the opposition nature and artificial element - the city - they are so well obtained, sending for this the monotony and the repetition and leaving to the natural element the proper space of the adventure, the unexpected one and the proper beauty. Between underground and private tickets, the four heroes go unmasking its enemies, with the support of an adult who appears in the measure where proper it is an adventurer, a perpetual child. Fabulosa history that would not hesitate in placing to the level of the great youthful classics. To read. Repeated.

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