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My Experiments With Truth
(Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi)

Gandhiji or Bapu as all Indians call him with profound respect, as described in the book was a man of high self-introspection,simple living, high thinking, great supporter of non-violence so on and so forth to begin with. He not only merely wrote all this personal qualities about himself but also demonstrated them all through his matured life. He even went out of the way to support a good cause anywhere, irrespective of the fact that what others will think about him or what repurcussions it can have on him or on the people associated with him. On a number of occasions, he practically had to bear the unfavourable outcomes of such things as well. But he could'nt be moved from his path and determination. It is hardships such as these that earned him name and fame not only in India but in all around the globe as well. Even today we behold such respect for him in our hearts that his image has no equivalent. But dont we need to look into ourselves and ask ourselves about the truth when we come across instances like was his being Black the only reason why he was thrown out of the train in South Africa or was he really misbehaving. I mean to say that a person from our society may not be accustomed to the South African society mannerism. May be by mistake or under the effect of the warm blood of his young age that Gandhiji may have teased the ladies or passed some unhumorous comment on the gentlemen travelling with him. Its very natural and human only. This is just one example. If one goes through his whole story, there will be numerous such instances which need to be pondered on deeply. Its high time we take these things into serious consideration and ponder for a while on them. This will help bring out the real image of our heroes infront of the whole world. Regards, RADHAJIT.

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- New News Out Of Africa: Uncovering Africa's Renaissance (w.e.b. Du Bois Institute)

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