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American Gods
(Neil Gaiman)

Shadow passes three years in the arrest, and when it leaves, it searchs to retake its life daily. Until there, nothing of more? Nothing of more if Neil Gaiman was not writing. Nothing he is common in histories of this English writer who consecrated its name writing for publishing companies of histories in quadrinhos.

He spreads yourself for the pages, personages who we go recognizing to the few, deuses died and forgotten, that Neil revives with the maestria of who already had carried through such fact with Sandaman, personage of histories in quadrinhos.

Neil traces situations beyond the understanding, that take the reader to devorar each page being tried to understand that routes follow all those story personages and fairies. Only that Gaiman not if apraz in counting ?stories of fairies? in the lyric world of the blue and pink kingdom, but the perverse side brings tona of deuses forgotten, deuses, deuses asleep fallen, deuses poor fellows, but exactly thus, deuses which, however you hate, however you love and cry.

It is this that makes of Deuses American to appear enters good books of modern literature. Without cliches, without cheap appeals, Neil traces the cultural profile that if she installed in the North America from the immigrants who had left of some places of the Europe, loading in the luggage its beliefs and its traditions, and its deuses, I begin it infallible in its home, but perishable in strange lands. Here in modern America, he does not know yourself where values to believe, and deuses of Gaiman if divide between consecrating its power and trying to buy at auction the flocks that had hindered to them of the memory.

What he happened with these values when passing of the years, is cerne of the history of Gaiman; deuses and men, men and deuses? We are both the things, but which moral parameter is correct? What it is certain e missed in the attitudes of who believes that its values is that they are the best ones for itself and the others? This everything makes of Deuses American much more that a fiction book, therefore it is in the space between lineses the voracious history of the North America. History that Neil leads with conscience of who dominates the words and the facts. He counts to an American history north without esbarrar in the easy way of the pamphlet, or in the common place to take off left. It makes what a good writer knows to make: To write a good history.

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- "i'm God"

- Deuses Americanos

- Deuses Americanos

- American Gods

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