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Geography New Zealand
(Susana Garcia)

Geography New Zealand is formed by two greater islands and some smaller islands. These islands are between the greater ones of the world and the sum of 268,680 the total area that occupies is of km² (little more than half of Spain). Of north to the east south country extends by 2000 km approximately and is located to 1,600 km to the Southeast of Australia. The North island is of the South by the Straits of Cook and numerous small barren islands separated. The South Island is the greater one and it is divided of the northeast to southwest by Southern the Alps (or the Alps Neozelandeses), with his greater height in Monte Cook of 3,754 meters. There are 18 tips on the 3000 meters in this island. The North Island is less mountainous, but it contains volcanos. The highest tip of this island is Monte Ruapehu of 2,797 meters, which is an active volcano. The other islands have less area and population. Most important they are: Stewart Island: located to the south of the South Island It is the third island, considering his size with an approximated population of 400 inhabitants. Waiheke Island: located in the gulf of Hauraki near Auckland, with 7,000 stable residents, although the population increases in summer. Place in number of inhabitants occupies 3º. Island Great Barrier: one is to the east of the gulf of Hauraki. Chatham Islands: he is a group of small distant islands with a total population of 750 inhabitants. In addition to volcanos, in the North there are abundant thermal waters and geysers. The climate is tempered and humid, with a temperature 12 average of ºC. The North end has a subtropical climate whereas the winter of the south usually is rigorous. Wellington is well-known by its windy days. Between the main cities they are: Auckland Wellington Christchurch Whangarei Hamilton Tauranga Rotorua Gisborne Napier Hastings New Plymouth Wanganui Palmerston North Nelson Timaru Dunedin Invercargill.

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