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The Story Of My Experiments With Truth

generations to come, it may be, will scarce believe that such a one as this ever in flesh and blood walked upon this earth
-albert einstein

i was just astonished to find that there was no soul willing to comment about this great man's life, the path he had trode upon, no one knows that or arent they interested in commenting, i dont know.
m.k.gandhi was a visionary i wud rather say he is one of those noble souls ever existed on this earth.
the autobiography begins with gandhi's childhood, his family surroundings, his early marriage, the culture,and the spiritual way he lived ,indeed u cud never find that kinda india any more except very few places.his life in england for becomming a barrister,his love for vegetarianism,his association with some of renowned personalities of the later world, his spiritual study and his search for the truth that was behind religions.
the second half of the book reveals Mr.gandhi's life in south africa as a barrister ,his indomitable spirit to fight against the odds of the society, his unbending heart for self respect. when finding how a newspaper he read on his night of departure from south africa changes his life, we are left in awe, even strong atheists wud understand the power of the soul that beleives, and trodes upon His principles wud suceed in his life.he then struggles for the indians in south africa, his phoenix settlement..there were three personalities who had very much influenced his life, those were raychand bai,leo tolstoy and ruskin bond.
the third part deals with his return to india, his life as a barrister, his association with gokhale, and his advent into the indian politics, his satyagrahas, his new principle of ahimsa.................

i cud only give u a glimpse, read the book and ull find the truth for yourself.

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