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The Alchemist
(Paulo Coelho)

The Alchemist is a very inspiring book about ?Chasing your Dreams?. It is a book for those who have big dreams and high ambitions and also for those who are afraid to dream ?Big?. It is the story of a shepherd who gets a recurring dream about a treasure near the pyramids and sets out to find it.

We all have high ambitions, but how many of us actually set our heart to making it a reality?if truth be told, very few. Fear of failure and anxiety about the result makes one ignore his dreams. This book talks about how one should follow one?s destiny with an unfettering attitude. Yes! It is going to be a bumpy path, with unimaginable difficulties strewn all over, but the idea is to not lose one?s hope in the face of adversities. A willing heart and determined mind is what will bring success.

This book says that if one follows one?s heart and strives to makes his dreams come true then ? the whole universe will conspire to make it happen?.

Man is a slave of habit. Thinking about a problem from different viewpoints brings a whole new gamut of solutions, giving the problem an entirely new dimension. To put it another way, every problem is an opportunity in disguise. When one is faced with such an opportunity, he should capitalize on it and hence make the most of it. This is another thought that is endorsed by the book.

The gist of the story is this. A shepherd Santiago sets out to make his dream a reality. He faces many difficulties on the way, loses all his money and is forced to work in a shop, which is making loss. He however, because of his fresh, new ideas gives the shop a new look and the shopkeeper a new life. He then goes on to cross the desert, where he meets an alchemist, who leads him to the pyramids. The books takes us through the difficulties during the course of his journey and how he overcomes them all by listening to his heart and to the language of the world, thus making the book an interesting read!

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- The Alchemist

- The Alchemist

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