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Pollution: A Naughty But Dangerous Activity
(Daljit Khankhana)

Ecologists are having blame that pollution is a cause of human needs. The density population and their supplying goods are major factor to strengthen industrial growth that is based on chemicals, which they both have action and reaction and functioning in their qualities, those are keeping effects and side effects. Chemicals they recover growth and also causes spreading damages to organic potential utilities.
How can we secure organic qualities that may be able to harm the damages of side effects of chemicals? Smoke is a main factor to pollute environment. Ecologists are trying to reduce the danger of growing the percentage of Nitrogen that can spread poison in air, water and food. Once I was sitting in a conference. A person came to blame to another person that he bought his expensive land decisively. Actually the person has a plot near London and Gypsies came to stay on that land over a year and spread rubbish. Under new law to protect environment in UK fire out rubbish is banned and people used recycling center to clean and tidy surroundings and local council was asking for a big amount to clear all about the mess. The intelligent person bought a land from a person who was causing a problem and hired a digger and digged the land and buried all rubbish in the ground. It is a perfect method to control rubbish rather than burning smoke. It is everyone?s faith to contribute to protect environment. Only a body cannot control itself. It is our common cause to protect land, air and water. The people in England, they cultivate vegetables in gardens, they used green grass as compost to fertilize seeds that they gain from the grass cutting from lawns. Keep your rubbish separate and used them appropriately that may support us to protect environment. People can grow vegetables in pots in their empty spaces that may helpful to reduce burden from the agricultural land. People have such skills. They can grow organic vegetables at home that are useful to control high rate prices. We need training centres that may encourage society in growing methods.

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