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(sri ram sharma acharya)

Sprituality is the key of happiness.Every person has sprituality but he can not recognise it.When he enters the spritual life,every door autometically open for true happiness.what is sprituality?It is a great question,but very few persons know answer of it.Sprituality does not mean to go any religious place regularly,it do your work with devotion,do not cheat any person,alwayas be helpful for everyone.If there is existence of god anywhere in world,which is inside the person who always tells you what is right or wrong.It is our capability that we can or can not listen his voice.God is very great ,he created very beautiful universe,gave all place for living beings and take no place for himself.Heart of every living being is very spritual place where god live.If you want to see him,destroy all bad things from yourselfs one by one and gain good charater one by one,you will able to see the god & can also talk him.always remember if you want to chage world,change yourself.

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