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Billy Budd
(Herman Melville)

A man's heart can be as dark and lonely as a prison. It can be cold and stone or as light and soft as a feather. No matter what events take place in a man's life, no matter what path he takes on his journey through life, all events take root in his heart. Some can cause happiness and some have the ability to cause darkness to settle and deepen inside. Taking into account that all men believe in something, a higher power, sometimes they fail to look towards that higher power for guidance. A man can only reach so far with his hands, but he can reach into places unknown when he reaches with his heart. When a life is in jeopardy, the heart takes over and causes man, according to his hearts mood, to do what must be done to save a life. Sometimes saving a life means taking one. When a man takes a life with his own hands, it deepens the darkness within him. If his heart is sincere in love and good deeds, the life that is lost becomes his own, as well. Guilt and shame can kill a heart, a mind and a soul, and when those things die in a man, the body soon follows. To lose hope is to lose not just a life, but a livelihood. When a heart of a man is surrounded by hatred and evil, the goodness he once possessed begins to weaken. Hope dies with the soul and the body turns to dust. Innocense is too a tool that darkness clings too. It takes the innocense and teaches it to fear. One life is sacrificed because of fear and innocense. Darkness prevails and the body returns to dust. Those who stand and watch as innocense dies are guilty of killing all hope that darkness never prevail and rob them of their hearts tenderness.

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