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How To Lead A Successful Married Life
(Pandit Shriram Sharma)

Dear Friends,
we all do get married and dream to have a happy married life.
But do we really have a happy married life?
Just one or two years its merry go round, sweat honeymoon and after that we all start entering into a real life of all frustrations,resposibilities, anger, enemity with the spouse itself, and unexplained tensions and stress within ourselves and also in the family .
Actually we dont know the real meaning of marriage as to why do we get married and what are the rights and duties of each of us etc, etc. We want to enjoy the rights only, dont want to do any duty or take the responsibility. There starts all the problems.
So here is a beautiful link given in pdf format regarding the customs and traditions, ceremonial expenditure, purpose behind sacred rites, an ideal marriage var vadhu shapath, sapth padi and kanyadaaan etc.,
And most imp part is the Sexual part among the partners which is the basis of todays marriage because of which divorce rate is increasing as one of the partner is not satisfied with the other or some or the other sexual problem. To overcome this also there is a very good link which explains the hidden science behind sex, which is explained by giving beautiful examples of happy couple in the nature, compatibility and discipline in sex relation, the genesis of love and desire and attainment of eternal bliss.
Pl get back to me at [email protected] with ur good/bad or any suggestions to this link.
Hope u will enjoy reading this and removing the maximum possible benefit out of it.
with lots of luv and best wishes to all the existing and would be couples
This is padma hiraskar a member of gayatri pariwar luv to share the solutions to all the family problems and other problems too.
I want each and every couple on this earth to be the happiest couple and an ideal match.

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