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(Bennett, Cherie)

A True Meaning of Courage,

For anyone who has ever wanted to travel to Africa or take a ride upon a zebras' back, or even have a simple conversation with a monkey, then ZINK is the book for you. It is based upon a true story of a young gril. The author, Cherie Bennett transforms the main character into a fictional character of 10 years-old. Becky Zaslow within the book.

ZINK tells the story of becky who is fighting leukemia and the hardships of chemotherepy. But, she doesn't have to do it alone. She has zebras that help her through it. How they got there to help her doesn't matter...it's what they do for Becky that does. By teaching Becky that it's okay to be afraid once in a while. And, it takes courage to face day to day problems. Zebras face the lions that hunt them, becky faces her cancer. So they each have to have that everyday courage to continue on. It's what you feel when you're afraid, yet you can still be strong enough and not know it to continue onward. Yet, these two differences between each other are simular. Becky and the Zebras do have on thing if not more in common. They both want to live. As the story move onward, the zebras keep telling Becky when things seem to be slowing down, and you think you can't continue on, think ZINK.

As Becky continues the struggle with her leukemia she takes to heart the advice from the zebras. She feels she can't go on, thinking ZINK helps her stay strong and understand it's okay to get a little afraid once in a while. But staying focused on herself and resting, reasuring things will soon be better..Becky finds courage here and there.
Thinking about her family and ZINK. My advise to all, think ZINK when all courage is lost and you'll find it again, for futher info. on ZINK and zebras visit web-sites for ZINK's homepages.


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