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Jonathan Livingston Seagull
(Richard Bach)

I read this short book with only 127 pages (including pictures) in less than two hours. The story appeals to children as a simple book about seagulls?and to mature audiences as an inspirational book about the search for meaning in life. As a young seagull that is not content with the dull life of fighting for food with other seagulls, Jonathan endures criticism and is ostracized by the flock because he has the courage to ask questions that some gulls have, but did not seek answers for. Though the search for answers places him in isolation, his excitement grows as he learns more and more about himself and the world around him. Eventually, he finds the answers he seeks and teaches other seagulls that have been banished from the flock. I see this book as an allegory to the story of Christ or Buddha seeking & finding Truth in life, being criticized by many, and sharing their message with the world.

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Passei.com.br | Biografias


