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Death: A Passage Of Darkness
(Daljit Khankhana)

Human mind is as an Ariel that receives or catches the ideas from the open space in the air and develops them into brain as progressive thoughts. A developing mind is just like an ocean where tide comes to touch the shore as an excitement into a mind and goes back to lose their existence as dreams and memory preserves them as an information and delivers them further to other organs into the body for further command. It is a natural process that works non-stop and automatically without someone?s disruption or disturbance. Idea comes to touch our mind and convey the message where body enjoys happiness and sadness. The senses have feelings only the cause of mind. Mind enlightened to a body as electric switched on to a bulb and appears existence into the darkness. At night in Germany when I was ready to sleep I challenged to my mind and asked to touch a Death show. My body was straight lying on the bed. I stop to move and concentrated on my mind?s movement. I felt burden that starts to grow on my chest and sweat came across from my nerves. I felt as my body was swimming into a pool and went through a cold passage that was dark only dark and getting darker. After about two hours I enjoyed that unimagined position of my mind where I enjoyed only peace.

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