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The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari
(Robin S Sharma)

The Monk who sold his Ferrari is a fable written by famous motivational writer Mr. Robin S. Sharma. This book through the medium of a fable tries to give some unique lesson for living a healthy and fulfilling life. Today?s world is running very fast and therefore most the people are not able to get time for their own betterment. We remain highly busy is achieving goals and money; however we forget to consider about health. At a time, when people have everything in world, but unfortunately, they do not have health to enjoy all this. The Monk who sold his Ferrari is a book written with this basic purpose in mind. It focuses on the benefits of good health. This book also gives emphases on ancient wisdom which is available to sages. It fold open to us many wisdom from ancient time. By following the direction provided in book one can improve his or her life. This book stresses on meditation, exercise and positive attitude, through which a person can look twenty years younger. Robin Sharma has presented the facts very logically in the form a story. Book is able to maintain the interest of its readers and definitely one can improve his life by maintaining a balance between health and work. All these qualities qualify this book for everyone?s personal library.


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