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Wings Of Fire
(Shri A P J Abdul Kalam)

?Wings of Fire? is an autobiography of President of India and an eminent scientist Shri A P J Abdul Kalam. Not, because He is a president and a scientist, therefore every Indian or others should read it. This autobiography is different in many ways as it tells us many lessons with true examples. This book tells us the story of Muslim boy, who became the President of a Hindu dominated country. It gives us an inside into the lives of Muslims in India and relationships between Hindu and Muslim communities. It tells us, how common Hindu and Muslim respect each others religion. ?Wings of Fire? is the story of small boy achieving his dreams despite all the odds. This real story tells us the role of family, relatives and friends in helping person achieving his goals. This book tells us to how to live for our country. This book shows the determination of India and it?s scientists in achieving excellence in space and missile technology. It is an inside into the success and failures of Indian space and missile technology programs. Book gives a good presentation about the role of other eminent scientist in shaping countries future. This book is a must for every student, because this book has the power to motivate a person to excel in life. ?Wings of Fire? is a clear example of achieving one?s goals, while fulfilling the commitment towards the country.


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