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Bhagwad Gita
(Lord Krishna)

Write your abstract


Lord Krishna have explained every thing about human being.
like the purpose of life, how to behave, to live, our
duties, what to eat, what not to do, etc. All the topics of
life are explained in Gita in details, and also what
happens after death and how we got this life of human
being. What happens to our soul.

Human beings life is the most powerfull of all other lifes.
This is the only life in which one can think and act, so
that we reach to god. Our soul's aim (Target) is to get
connected to god or merge with god. This is possible to do
only in human life.

Our main purpose of life is to do only our duties without
anticipating any thing as its result. We are really not
doing anything without the god's wish. We are like an actor
who just does his work as directed by his director and even
if he cries in the acting it does not really affect him
emotionally. The sad situation comes in our life and even
happy times, we should not be purturbed by any situation.
We need not celebrate for any good results and be very
happy and at the same time we need not be disappointed even
on one's sad situatiuon. All this is the result of earlier
some good or bad done by you either in this life or earlier.
All the account of good and bad is always carried forward
to next life or brougth forward from earlie life. All this
is credited or debited in your Soul's account irrespective
of the body. Therefore if you have done somethig bad you
have to live to be punished. and at the same time if you
have done something good and anticipated result for the
same, you have to live to get its fuits, and if you want to
really get the god or get merged with god you have to clear
you account of good or bad to Zero. There should be no
minus points and at the same time nothing to receive.
therefor whatever good you do, you should not anticipate
anything, that is, Work Without Anticipation.

There are may other things coverd like what are our duties.
All kind of actions are divided in to three types.

1. 'Satvik' - absolute pure and kind,
2. 'Rajas' - fruitful &
3. 'Tamas' - All bad qualities - lazy

What ever we do, even eat, think, read, talk, anticipate,
wear, see, etc is divided in these three types. It will
depend upon attitude and charachter of your soul in
previous and present life. If it has always been 'Satvik',
you will get the opportunity and will be born in simillar
surrounding 'Satvik', and further improve in that direction
and enhance the charachter of you soul and ultimately reach
the god. simillarly for 'Rajas' you have been enjoying your
life, you will continue to enjoy life and if you
were 'Tamas' and still same in this life it will only
deteriorate, unless you chage to 'Satvik'

This is in my words and should not be taken as the final
words of Gita. Some words may not necessarily mean 100
percent as authentic

The entire gita contains 18 chapters and totalling 700
verses (Shilokas) and about 16 words in each shiloka

This book can be carried in pocket and have been printed in
many languages, it is not only for Hindus but for any

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