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The Antichrist
(Friedrich Nietzsche)

This small book written in 1888, marks radical a critical position of the values of the Christianity with the bold diagnosis of that these are responsible for the adoecimento of the man.

A supervalued experiment, since the Christianity is not evaluated here in the truth of its dogmas, but yes as moral phenomenon that guides all the civilization occidental person; if it locates of it are of these values searching to identify the game of forces that are gifts in its origin and that they still remain. What it wants to know is: what these values are valid and for where they in take them.

It verifies in the Christianity an interpretation of the purely ficcional world, without no contact with the reality, for I oppose it, moved for the hatred and the resentment of this same reality. Search to understand it since its Jewish root when this still possuía a powerful God and if transforms later into a good God when becomes impotent before the conqueror. The releitura that its prophets had made of its history in the exile in obedience terms or not it God as cause of the largenesses and sufferings of a people. The invention of the sin as form of sacerdotal control on a people.

The paper of Jesus as an anarchic revolutionary who in the distance brings Good New in practical its of life, destroying the all between God and the man. Jesus came to teach to a new life and not a new faith. Its death in the cross renews the spirit of revenge in its apóstolos that do not obtain to understand the reason of as much cruelty and need to find a culprit. Pablo finds in the sign God in the cross the formula for the revenge and inverting all the teachings of the master who it not even knew create a religion of the hatred to the aristocratic values for weak, impotent everything what he is low.

Pablo obtains to invert good new of Jesus, being created a sacerdotal religion that Rome wins, that was the model of civilization for strong men.

The civilization model that wins with the Christianity is a adestramento and domesticação of the type man and the found form to take it it handle was the adoecimento of the animal man.

A supervalued experiment that finishes with a sentence of conviction to the Christianity and marks the success of its author.

Surplus the question: Who was the Antichrist? Nietzsche? the first one to supervalue the Christianity?

Pablo? That one that transformed good the new into the religion of the resentment? or Jesus? That one that with its life denied all the values defended for the Christianity?

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