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(suzan mehmet)

The storyline to this book starts with a homely american lifestyle feeling, where two young fresh faced teenagers return home on a yellow school bus. At first one would feel we were living in the seventies, where the tradional house wife and Mother was always at home. Although this story is set for today.Only to find the plot thickens and the twists are almost happening too quickly as Rebecca, Lucys friend and Neighbour calls Lucy on her mobile her parents are not really her parents. It makes you want to read what happens next. One just has to know. The sad fact of this is Rebecca's parents have turned into aliens although they still appear to look like her paents from the outside. Rebecca panics as she runs from her house and rushes to get to Lucys house which was only a short distance from her large home. While Tom. Lucy's Father opens the door to let Rebecca in. Rebecca pushes her way in and starts to panic and scream. What happens next in this science fiction chiller gives one a good and action packed read and full of twists and turns throughout the whole book, it keeps you on the edge of your seat and keeps you wanting to know more as the story begins to unfold. The writer hasn't paid too much attention to detail, because she knows the reader wants to know what happens next. The writer has on purposely made this book attractive to the reader by not adding too many boring words to avoid the plot. This book has been tastefully written and does capture your thoughts to live within the imagination.

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