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Cantiga De Esponsais

Machado de Assis, Cantiga de Esponsais. In 1813, in the church of the Carmo, Romão Pires conducted the orchestra of the party, with soul and devotion. He was an old man of white head, good musician, good man. The sung mass finished, master Romão had supper and went home, where he lived with father Jose, an old black man. He had a small piano which he palyed sometimes. Master Romão would like to have the gift to compose musics. He had inside himself a world of original harmonies, however he could not express it in the paper. This caused melancholy. He started to compose a song, with three days of married, in 1779. His wife passed years later, and the song was never finished. Master Romão fell sick of the heart, five days after the party. He caught the song he kept in the drawer, he ordered to bring the piano and he tried to finish the workmanship. He saw a couple by the window. He reproduced some notes, without inspiration, impatient, tore the written paper. It was then, that he heard the young woman sing for the husband, exactly with the musical note that he look years without finding. He heard with sadness and at night he died.

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