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Alcool E Transito
(Jair Miranda)

The book Alcohol and Traffic discloses data about the use of alcohol and other drugs, traffic accidents with fatal victims and brings suggestions of educative traffic campaigns, preventive actions in the families and government actions. Discloses for example that in Brazil a person is deceased each 21 minutes in traffic accidents. In 2005, 265.543 accidents occured in the domestic territory, causing 421.110 wounded and 35.515 fatal victims. The author alerts that 77% of the fatal victims were young males from which 42% had the age of 15 to 34 years. In the same year around US$ 980 millions were spent with medical costs. The author also discloses that 75% of the traffic accidents with fatal victims occured in 2005 in Brazil, were related with alcohol and drugs use. He alerts for the necessity of urgent campaigns that will help save the life of many Brazilians. Jair Miranda

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