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(Danielle Steel)

Marrielle, a beautiful woman married a Charles Delauney at the age of 18 despite several resistances from her parents and they were living together happily there after. But, as fate has it on them Marrialle lost his first child to an accident while they went skiing and lost the second unborn child to miscarriage.

This infuriated Charles, and this made him to beat her until she landed in the hospital and she ended up in psychiatric hospital for a brain related problem. She did not recover from this until after two years.

Marrielle, lost his father and her mother committed suicide because she cannot bear the shock of what is befalling her daughter. Marrielle eventually lost track of Charles and ended up marrying a wealthy man Malcom Patterson. But Marrielle was not after money but security and protection.

Malcom Patterson did not show any love for Marriele but he is desperately in need of child that can continue when he is no more. The child was suddenly kidnapped in the presence of the maids. It was finally confirmed that Patterson was madly in love with her secretary and He is ready to do anything to satisfy his lover, but not the level of ignoring his loving son Teddy.

Arrangements were made for kidnappers with her traumatized ex- husband being framed up for the kidnapping. Teddy was eventually found but not without exposing the secret plan of Briggete and Mr. Patterson.

Marrielle, who was initially, molested and disgraced, had the last laugh.

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