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(Ricardo Semler)

Ricardo Semler is an industrialist with a difference. His company follows the policy of by the people, for the people and to the people. Ricardo took over the company from his father. His father was a conservative businessman. Whereas Ricardo was a man who loved to experiment. And after some years of toil he came up with his unique philosophy of all the decisions being taken by the employees.
The company does not have an in time and similarly does not have an outgoing time. Employees have the right to decide their own salaries. This company has had the lowest number of strikes in the history and was making profits even when the economy of Brazil was in a downturn. In the book Maverick explains in great detail his outstanding philosophy where the company is actually run by the employees. All the decisions are taken by the employees. The juniors are evaluated by the seniors in every organization but in this particular one even the juniors have a chance to evaluate their seniors. He claims that even though the chances of frauds happening in such a situation is very high there have been very few cases of frauds happening since the employees have a very strong bond with the company. In fact the company also helps the people who want to leave the organization to start their own venture. The company provides all the help whether it be financial or consultation. And best part of all, no strings attached.
Big organizations come to visit the plants to experience the way the people work here. This working philosophy is becoming very popular in other organizations as well.

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