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Mr Dongguo Mr.a Wolf

Mr Dongguo MR.Dongguo was a kind-heared scholar,he liked to help people. One day,Mr.Dongguo went to his friend's house. on his way home, he carried a full bag of books,he was reading and walking.When he looked up ,he saw a wolf runningtowards him. the wolf said to Mr.dongguo, "Help,please! somebody wants to kill me.you are so kind ,you like to help kill me.you are so kind ,you like to help people."Mr Dongguothhought for some time and said,"But you are not a person ,you are awolf. people say wolves are bad .Should I help you?" The wolf said ,"I"m a good wolf, not a bad wolf. You are kind, you can help you?"The wolf said ,"take the books out of the bag, let me get into it. When the man comes, don't tell him I am in in your bag."Mr. Dongguo did so, he took out all his books from the bag and letthe wolf in. a little time later, the man came and asked ,"Is there later, the man came and asked,"Is there a wolf here?"Mr.DOngguo said,"No, there isn't"Then the man went away. After the man went away, the wolf cried,"Let me out!" Mr.Dongguo let the wolf out, but the wolf said,"Mr.Dongguo, I'm I'm hungry ,I must eat you."Mr.Dongguo was very angry and said," You thank me for my kindnesswith hatred ,you are too bad." The wolf went near to Mr.Dongguo and wanted to eat him. At this dangerous moment , a farmer came along,Mr.Dongguo told the thing to him and asked himfor help. But the wolf said to the farmer, "Mr.Dongguo put me into his bag, I nearly died, so Imust eat him." The farmer said ,"The bag is so small, you are so big, how could Mr.Dongguo put you in it?" The wolfsaid."OK,let me show you."THe wolf got into the bag fof the se-cond time. The farmer said to Mr.Dongguo,"Beat it now. How could you be kind to a wolf? No wolf is good."

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