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Cold And You
(Daljit Khankhana)

Do you have affection of cold then try to prevent yourself? A cold is causes by a virus. The virus is smaller than the smallest bacteria. A virus can be identified through the Microscope. Cold mostly occurs in early autumn, midwinter or early spring. The mucous membranes lining the nose and the breathing passages become inflamed Viruses can multiply only within the living cells of human, animals or plants, but at present it also effects to our computer programmed. The virus responsible for foot and mouth disease in animals measures about one-millionth of an?inch. The virus is a difficult subject for medical sciencetests to study.
Colds are usually caught through being with people who already have them. The smallpox virus is about ten times as large.
Diseases caused by viruses vary greatly in danger and intensity from minor infections such as cold to extremely serious epidemic diseases. A quickest way of catching cold is someone?s sneeze. When you do have a cold, it is best treatment to stay away from others.

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