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Bhagwad Geetha
(Lord krishna)

Krishna is one of the greatest characters of human civilization. One may dispute about the supposedly divine aspect of the character. But there can be no dispute that such a character did live and will continue to live in the collective psyche of humanity till an unforeseeable future, no matter what creed one believes in. In fact humanity is yet to grasp the immense significance of ?Lord Krishna?, as he is fondly called by the Hindus. ?Geetha? is a collection of the talks given by Lord Krishna for his disciple Arjuna in the battle field of Kurukshetra.

Arjuna hesitates to go for war against his own kith and kin, against his great grandfather, Bhishmacharya, and his teacher, Dhronacharya. He even drops his famed ?Kandeep?, that is, his fighting instrument, right in the middle of the battlefield. Lord Krishna explains that it is not a question of killing some people but a question of the struggle between ?Dharma? and ?Adharma?. By ?dharma? and ?adharma?, Lord Krishna does not mean a simplistic concept of good and evil and the struggle between the two. You can?t say that the Pandavas are good people and the Gauravas are evil incarnates. On the side of Gauravas there are great men like Bhishmacharya, Dhronacharya, Vidhura and many more. But they happen to be on the side of ?Adharma?. Hence the need to go for war against them. By dharma, we mean the concept of human values, ethics and moral principles that help the society to go forward. By adharma the opposite is meant. When the hands of ?adharma? gain an upper hand one has to take up arms against it, says Krishna. No wonder the Indian freedom fighters had ?Geetha? with them always.

But struggle between ?dharma? and ?adharma is only one aspect of ?Geetha?. Its philosophical view of human life is the kernel of ?Geetha? and the struggle is s part of it. Lord Krishna is concerned about ?mukthi?, by which we mean emancipation of the self. English does not have a better word or phrase for ?mukthi?. We may say that by emancipation of the self we mean one?s self realization and the meaning of life, and more importantly, of death. Total devotion to work (karmayoga), seeking knowledge (gnanayoga) and complete devotion to the Almighty (Bhakthiyoga) are the three aspects of one?s way to ?mukthi?. Lord Krishna exhorts Arjuna to do his duty, as there is no escape from it, but to do it without any sort of attachment. One has to do one?s ?duty? as a matter of duty and there is no question of doing it with some expectation. That is the meaning of doing your duty without attachment. Man comes to grief invariably because of this attachment. Particularly conscious people, leaders of men and organizations have to learn a lot from Krishna, who says that when he does not have any specific duty prescribed, no one will do his duty if he does not do his duty. The CEO is apparently without any duty. But the fact that all in the organization work, shows the CEO is doing his work.

When the other two aspects of ?mukthi? may not be understood by lesser mortals, Karma yoga is something that can be practiced by any person provided he/she has the will. Krishna also discusses universe, consciousness, life, death and soul in the course of the talk.


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